Who Has a Special Photo of Loyal Duke's Dog Park in the Winter????
This flyer was hung at Loyal Duke's Dog Park on 5-2-20... Love, Colorado is a new magazine that will be having its first publication this...
Tails on the Trails goeson despite 6-foot rule
as published in the Mountain Mail on April 24, 2020... Despite the constraints of the current social distancing regulations, Ark-Valley...
April 2020 Training Tip
"Reward Good Behavior." If we all spent more time rewarding our dogs for their good behavior and setting them up to do more of it, our...
April 2020 Trivia Question answer
Question: What is a dog's normal temperature range, heart/pulse rate and breathing rate? Answer: Normal temperature range is 100-102.5...
Do You Like Challenges
As published in the Mountain Mail on February 8, 2019...Do you like challenges? When you adopted your dog into your household, was it...
The Straight Poop on Parks
As published in the Mountain Mail on January 14, 2020...Sometimes not knowing the history or all the details about an issue can lead to...
I Want You to Love Me Like a Dog
As published in the Mountain Mail on December 7, 2018...A while back I put together a collection of action shot therapy dog photos I’d...
Not Quite to the Summit Point
as published in the Mountain Mail on August 10, 2018... Our family goal for this year’s annual 14er was Huron Peak. Some of the...
Dog Park Committee Seeks Creative Dog Advocates
as published in the Mountain Mail on July 9, 2018... During a June dog park advisory committee meeting, we discussed and envisioned...
Happy Trails on the Trail
As published in the Mountain Mail on May 4, 2018... Last month I wrote about Salida Dog Club’s mission statement of “promoting safe...